Uma noite..

Enquanto andava às voltas no wmp, saltou-me para os ouvidos uma música que me fez retroceder uns meses no ano... e voltar a Fevereiro... ao meu dia de anos!!
Será que só eu me lembro de termos ficado de frente para "a" Jennifer Lopez enquanto jantávamos? lol
Aqui fica... a música que me lembra o nosso jantar no Mocho Sentado... (Yah... pagam bem a publicidade...)
"Estoy loca enamorda de ti...
It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives
We can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives
Each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chance
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on eventhough you try?
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel?
Oh,I wish this could be real...
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't want to face what's wrong or right?
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart?
Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I found in you,and I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid
I locked away my heart
But you just set it free
Emotions I felt
Held me back from what my life should be
I pushed you far away
And yet you stayed with me
I guess this means
That you and me were meant to be"
It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives
We can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives
Each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chance
Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on eventhough you try?
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel?
Oh,I wish this could be real...
Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't want to face what's wrong or right?
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part
In the story of your heart?
Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant for me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I found in you,and I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid
I locked away my heart
But you just set it free
Emotions I felt
Held me back from what my life should be
I pushed you far away
And yet you stayed with me
I guess this means
That you and me were meant to be"
Jennifer Lopez in "Ain't It Funny"
Bem... porque gostei - muito - de lembrar...
Só tenho a dizer, que isso á beira daquela noite no river, foi brincadeirinha! ah pois..!
P.s: Não gosto da música :x
Qual noite no river? Se calhar tas a falar na mesma... na noite do Golden Strike :x
Ps - Eu sei que não!! :p
e recordar é viver...(que frase tão cota esta... mas eu gosto:P)
N Ccurto J. Lo mas adorei a letra..
"Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on eventhough you try?
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel?
Oh,I wish this could be real..."
É peixinha... A vida guiada por sentimentos tem destas coisas...
Não a quero viver d outra maneira ;) Até pk nem saberia!
Hmm agr fiquei com uma duvida!!
Há vida sem sentimentos?